A New Season begins

January 6, 2024

With a new year comes a new season of professional basketball in the BSL (Basketball Super League) – and that means I’m back court side capturing all the action.

The Montreal Toundra played their home opener earlier today – a 114 to 111 loss to the Sudbury Five, who they will rematch again tomorrow afternoon. Like me, the guys on the court had a little rust to shake off and will surely bounce back strong again tomorrow, and were perhaps unlucky not to come away with the victory today – that’s professional sports for you though. Someone has to lose for someone to win.

This is just the second season for the Montreal Toundra, and I’ll be at all their home games, capturing the action for Modern Free Press. Honestly, I can’t wait. It’s always nice to find things to do during the winter, when times get a little rough for artists, especially photographers. Maybe that’s just the reality of living in a metropolis like Montreal that is frozen solid for a few months of the year, when most people try to stay inside where it’s warm. Sure seems that way anyway. Then, there’s the holiday season hangover where everyone tries to recover from the December madness.

For me, it was great to be back on the court, shooting basketball again – which I haven’t done since Montreal’s other professional basketball team, the Montreal Alliance, concluded their season in the late fall of 2023. Having two teams, in two separate pro leagues, in the same city is a pretty special thing and it gladly keeps me quite busy. Basketball is a lot of fun to photograph, especially at the pro level, and I really enjoy it – as I’m sure I’ll enjoy bringing you images to check out too.

Of course, the vast majority of these shots will be found on my instagram account or over at the Modern Free Press website. Check ’em out! And remember to like and share with your friends – it goes a long way to helping us artists out.